She became more happier and playful
Note: All names have been changed to protect the privacy of the child and family
December 28, 2021

Saron, a two-year-old girl, was abandoned in Addis Ababa around a village called Kazanchis. The child was placed in Kebebetshay orphanage by the local police. The police searched for the biological parents however it has been unsuccessful. Saron was very shy child who was underweight and isolated herself from other children in the orphanage. She was referred to Bethany and our social workers assessed that the Temporary Foster Care program would fit the best interests of her case.
A previous temporary foster parent Hana was looking for another child she could temporarily foster. Hana is a single mother who previously took in a baby boy to temporarily foster but when the biological parents could not be found she eventually adopted the child through Bethany. Hana says a family-based training she took through Bethany helped her open her heart and home to care for a second child. Our social workers completed a second home study and assessed Hana and her son’s readiness for another child to be fostered in their home. Bethany social workers determined Hana and her son were ready for another placement into the home based on the training and support Bethany provides to the TFC families. Saron was placed in Hana’s home.
Bethany TFC social workers worked with Hana and her family on how to help Saron adjust in her new home, build trust, and begin to heal from her traumatic experiences. Saron is adjusting well, and her behavior is much happier and more playful. Saron expresses her feelings and needs well. The number of tantrums and nightmares Saron experienced are reducing and she is gaining weight. Thanks to USAID Bethany social workers can continue to work with family until permanency is secured for the child, whether that is reunification if the biological parents can be located and assessed or through adoption.